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Custer Battlefield Museum

Where the Battle of the Little Big Horn began . . . Garryowen, Montana


Custer Battlefield Museum funder receives award

Chris Kortlander, who founded and built the privately owned Custer Battlefield Museum at Garryowen, was named Tourism Person of the Year this week in Billings at the Governor's Conference on Tourism and Recreation.

Kortlander won the award for 10 years of efforts to enhance the tourism
potential of the Big Horn County community and his nonprofit museum near the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.  He bought Garryowen in 1993, and created the museum, rest stop, gas station, convenience store and information center on his property just off Interstate 90.

He also is on the Board of Directors for Custer Country, the tourism region that includes Billings and southeastern Montana.

(Photo:  Gov. Judy Martz and Chris Kortlander)
Copyright @ The Billings Gazette, a division of Lee Enterprises


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Museum Info:

Memorial Day - Labor Day
8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Spring and Fall
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


P. O. Box 200
Garryowen, MT  59031

Admission Fees:

Adults $ 7.50

Children 12 & under free


Closed on All Major Holidays

AAA Members
$1 Discount on Admission


Guided Tours Available by Special Arrangement

(406) 638-1876


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Copyright Custer Battlefield Museum 2009, All Rights Reserved